Styrian Center of Environmental Education

The Umwelt-Bildungs-Zentrum Steiermark-UBZ (Styrian Center of Environmental Education) was created 2001 on initiative of the Styrian Government and is a non-profit education association working in the field of environment, sustainability and nature protection. UBZ continues the proceedings of the ARGE Umwelterziehung, which was established 1983.
The focus of the projects and activities is ecological training from early childhood to students and teachers. The projects are strongly practice-oriented with an interdisciplinary approach. Main aim of the organisation is to bring research knowledge to the clients by using new educational and didactical methods. The Styrian Center of Environmental Education collaborates broadly with local, national and international governmental and non-governmental organisations.
The activity areas of the Styrian Center of Environmental Education are mainly school initiatives in the field of nature protection, energy, ecological footprint, climate change, water, sustainable mobility, noise and air pollution. As part of most UBZ educational projects, teaching materials and curricula are elaborated and offered. About 6000 students and 300 teachers are reached by UBZ yearly.
Umwelt-Bildungs-Zentrum Steiermark
Brockmanngasse 53
A-8010 Graz
Tel +43 316 835404
Fax +43 316 817908