ESTO Final Conference in France
September 2014 in Lisieux in France
The Final ESTO Conference took place in September 2014 in Lisieux in France. Different stakeholders and actors (from education, agriculture, environmental and policy sector) were invited. The conference was organized in the Agricultural High School Le Robillard in Normandy. Approximately 172 persons participated in the conference - 72 participants were from different organizations (farmers organizations, cooperatives, local authorities, regional parks, education and science sector - trainers and teachers, NGOs, policy makers) and about 100 students and pedagogues of the agricultural college participated in the conference. The Vice-President of the Basse-Normandy Region and the Vice-President of the Conseil General of Calvados opened the conference.
The Conference consisted of a pubic and an internal part. During the public part of the conference the situation and perspectives of traditional orchards in different European countries were presented to an international audience. Project partners introduced the project and all results of the ESTO project in detail. Furthermore, French experts introduced orchard actions and initiatives in France. The discussion and European experiences sharing was one of the most important conference sessions. The second conference day was dedicated to the presentation of the best practice examples: cider producing farm with 30 ha of traditional orchards, presentation of the apple processing at the Agricultural College and cider and calvados factory of Coquainvilliers. The internal meeting of ESTO partners on last conference day involved the final project evaluation session, presentation of dissemination and exploitation results in a „gallery walk“, setting and discussing the tasks of the Competence Centres and designing the ESTO follow-up actions.
French speaking participants were asked to fill-in an evaluation survey, which evidenced that 80% of them were impressed by the European dimension of the seminar. The conference was an opportunity to raise awareness about the various benefits of traditional orchards (for landscape, territories, farmers and the environment) among local stakeholders and, particularly, local policy makers. The project and the conference results were publicized in the main local newspaper Ouest France on October 10th. A video was also shot at the farm visited on second conference day. Entitled “Traditional orchards: a farmer’s testimony”, it is available in FR, EN and HU on various websites, notable the ESTO website.
Hirschbirne trifft Schafnase
7. November 2014, 10-17 Uhr, Graz (Österreich) Herrengasse (vor dem Landhaus)
Während der Intensiv-Obstbau in der Steiermark mit Preisverfall und Pflanzenschutz kämpft, widmen sich die Steirischen Naturparke den „Streuobst-Wiesen“ mit Obst-Raritäten, die zusehends in Vergessenheit geraten: zum Beispiel Ananasrenette, Purpurroter Cousinot, Steirische Schafnase, Hirschbirne, Berner Rosenapfel oder Lavanttaler Bananenapfel. Unglaubliche 2.000 Apfelsorten gab es ursprünglich in der Steiermark. Jede dieser völlig ungespritzten Sorten hat ihre „Bestimmung“: zum Gleich-auf-Essen, für den Most, für Dörrfrüchte, zum Strudel oder zum Schnapsbrennen.
Die steirischen Naturparke bringen rund 180 Apfel- und Birnensorten in die Herrengasse, ausgewähltes Streuobst kann auch verkostet werden.
Dazu servieren die Naturparke Kostproben wie Apfelbrot, warmes Apfelragout, Apfel Chutney, Mehlspeisen, Marmeladen, Imkerei-Spezialitäten, aber auch verschiedene Essigsorten, und frischgepressten Apfelsaft.
Weitere Informationen zur Veranstaltung finden Sie hier
ESTO-project Final Conference
29. 09. – 02.10.2014 in Normandy
ESTO Project Partners and external experts from partner coutries but especially from France will meet in ESTO-project Final Conference, which will take place from 29. 09. – 02.10.2014 in Normandy (Lycée Agricole Le Robillard 14170 LIEURY L'OUDON app. 40 km from Caen).
A provisional programme of the Conference you can find here. The conference will consist of internal and public part. The internal part of the conference for ESTO project partners will take place especially on 29.09 and 02.10. 2014.
The public part for partners and all invited guests, where the project and ist results will be presented and discussed together with French activities in field of traditional orcharding to broader audience as well as excursions will be held on 30.09. and 01.10.2014.
ESTO Pilot Course – Orchard School in Denmark
29th May to 1st of June 2014 in Blomstergaarden near Viborg and Cold Hand Winery
The ESTO “Traditional Orchards” - Curriculum and the teaching material were tested in Denmark in a 4-days intensive pilot course from 29th May to 1st of June 2014. First three days of the course took place at the Blomstergaarden near Viborg and the last course day was realised at the Cold Hand Winery. The aim of the pilot course was to test the “Traditional Orchards” curriculum on the basis of teaching materials, which of both have been developed by the partner consortium of the ESTO project. Teaching/learning/training topics included parts of pomology, propagation of fruit trees and juice-production where both – theory and practical activities done by own hands of participants were well balanced.
Gaining of practical experiences of students like tasting or grafting complemented theoretical training in overmentioned fields. Because of the season of the year, only few apple varieties were available for the tasting, however there were many different juice varieties to taste (both - frozen and pasteurised). All participants grafted a fruit tree with several varieties of their own choice. Participants can remove new family trees in October.
There were three teachers/experts with rich experiences and knowledge in traditional orchrading involved in the realisation of the pilot course. Eight course participants came from different parts of the country. All adult students had a little or some experience in traditional orcharding.
Several participants has provided immediate feedback on course per mail and expressed: “The course was very fine - better than expected”. They also appreciate to gain much of new knowledge and many practical lessons learned about fruit and fruit trees, traditional orchards, propagating fruit trees and processing the fruit. Participants also emphasised effective mixture of theory and practice within the course.
ESTO Pilot course in Hungary
May – October 2014, Corvinus University of Budapest
In the framework of ESTO project, pilot courses were organized at the Corvinus University of Budapest (May – October 2014) in order to test the ESTO curriculum on the basis of the pilot teaching material, which were developed by the project partners. Several colleagues of the Corvinus University were involved in the preparation and realization of the course, mostly from the Department of Pomology.
First time the unit of Fruit Juice Production was tested, followed by the units of Pomology and Propagation. Nineteen participants took part on both - the theoretical and practical occupations of Fruit Juice Production, Pomology and Propagation, respectively. Based also on the evaluations carried out later (questionnaires, assessments of preparation team and evaluation team), the practical training was proved to be very beneficial for the students. Before the courses, students had a very good base knowledge concerning all topics, but they lacked practical experience, which is however crucial to become competent on any field.
Even though a larger number of students were expected to participate, the feedback was very positive, which is promising the further utilization of the material. The following main issue is the contribution in further similar events using the project materials, and using the opportunities granted by the project, through established Competence Center (on ESTO and Traditional Orchards) at CUB.
Pilot course as a part of the international ESTO project ‘Traditional orchards – old varieties of apple trees’
from 16-19 May 2014 in ZSCKR (The Jadwiga Dziubinska Group of Schools - Agricultural Education Centre)
Pilot course titled ‘Traditional orchards – old varieties of apple trees’ that took place from 16-19 May 2014 in ZSCKR (The Jadwiga Dziubinska Group of Schools - Agricultural Education Centre) in Golądkowo was the first such course in Poland. It is the international initiative of the ESTO project. Here you can read more.
Impressions from the Pilot course ‘Traditional orchards – old varieties of apple trees’ have been catched in this short video-clip. The clip has been prepared by students of the ZSCKR Education Centre in order to shortly demontrate the athmosphere of the course.
Testing the ESTO-Curriculum in Austria - Pilot course (module Pomology)
10.4. 2014 at OWET – The School for Fruit Growing and IT in Gleisdorf in Austria
The ESTO pilot course on 10.4. 2014 at OWET – The School for Fruit Growing and IT in Gleisdorf in Austriawith aim to test the ESTO-curriculum and teaching material (part pomology) took place . Six students from the class for managers, of which the fruit-growing is the main branch of their farming at their homes, participated in the pilot course related to module of Pomology. In the beginning of the course all students were quite skeptical about the usefulness and conservaition of old varieties.
With the help of three supervisors - teachers, the initial skepticism was soon broken, and the students have participated enthusiastically in the course.
Mostly young (intensive-growing) fruit farmers were suprised from the taste of the old varieties. Such a variety of tastes (in April) nobody expected.
Thanks to perfect preparation, loose but very competent and professionally led Seminar, the young participants (17-19 years old) could get a pleasant insight into the world of Pomology (with regards to traditional orchards).
Teachers: Alois Wilfling, OIKOS, Markus Möslinger, OIKOS, futher employees of OIKOS
Organisation: Georg Innerhofer, OWET
Participants: 6 Students of the graduation class of OWET – The School for Fruit Growing and IT in Gleisdorf
ESTO Projects' 4th transnational meeting
21 – 24 January 2014 in Miskolc/Hungary
The third year of ESTO-project started with a transnational ESTO-meeting of European partners on 21 – 24 January in Miskolc/Hungary. In the meeting, the ongoing project activities have been partially completed and other new phases of the project started.
The ESTO - project partners as European experts in the field of " traditional orcharding " have prepared together in working groups experts texts to different selected topics of pomology, management&care of traditional orchards and processing and marketing of their products (like pomological characteristics, propagation, producing of fruit juice). These Expert texts will serve as the basis for the creation of the pilot teaching materials. Through these teaching materials, the curriculum will be tested in the " orchard schools " at different educational institutions in four European countries on three different levels (vocational schools, universities, and adult education). The main topics of the meeting were thus finalisation of expert texts and preparation of teaching materials for pilot courses. The implementation of the pilot orchard schools itself was also a key theme of the meeting. Furthermore, project consortium prepared national plans for effective dissemination and exploitation of project results. If you want to find out more about the project results, just read on to www.esto-project.eu and enables you to learn more about the ESTO project.
Treffen der Streuobstinitiative Nordsachsen
26. November 2013, Grimma, Deutschland
Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft „Streuobstinitiative Nordsachsen“ des Landschaftspflegeverbands Nordwestsachsen e.V. trifft sich am Dienstag, der 26.11.13 um 10.00 Uhr in der Saftmanufaktur Kerstin Lieber, Papsdorfer Dorfstraße 5 in 04668 Grimma, OT Papsdorf. Weitere Informationen zum Ablauf finden Sie hier.
Deutsch-Polnische Streuobsttagung in Bad Muskau
15. November 2013, Bad Muskau, Deutschland
Streuobstbestände sind ein im grenzüberschreitenden Programmgebiet Sachsen und Polen beheimatetes gemeinsames Kulturgut und stellen ein charakteristisches Landschaftselement mit hoher ökologischer Wertigkeit dar. Im Rahmen des Projektes „Neue Wege für die Umweltbildung in Sachsen und Niederschlesien“ sind zwei Bildungskonzeptionen erarbeitet worden, die gerade diese Nutzeffekte von Streuobstbeständen vermitteln. more
EUROPOM 2013, Hamburg, Germany
4 - 6 October 2013
Europom is Europes largest exhibition for fruits and fruit varieties. The Loki-Schmidt-Garten in Hamburg is hosting the EUROPOM from 4.-6. October 2013. ESTO partners also presented the ESTO-Project. more
Streuobsttagung in Mayrhofen – Europahaus
18./19. Oktober 2013, Mayrhofen, Österreich
Tirol lädt zum ersten Mal herzlich zu einer Streuobsttagung ein. Anerkannte Fachleute werden an zwei Tagen einiges zu erzählen haben. Auch das ESTO-Projekt wird hier präsentiert werden. Zum Programm gelangen Sie hier.
Fachtagung: Streuobstwiesen- von A wie Ausgleichs-maßnahme bis Z wie Zuccalmaglio Renette
19./20. April 2013, Landgut Holzdorf, Deutschland
Erhalt von obstgenetischen Ressourcen - ein wichtiger Beitrag zur Biodiversität? Entwicklung von regionalen Streuobstprodukten und ihre Vermarktung – zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, Obstbaumpflege in öffentlicher Hand - nur mit Verstand, Ausbildung von Streuobstspezialisten, Apfelallergie aus pomologischer Sicht: Dies sind aktuelle Themen, die im Rahmen der zweitägigen Fachtagung der GRÜNE LIGA Thüringen e.V. diskutiert werden. Nicht zuletzt wird nach vier Jahren Projektförderung durch den Freistaat Thüringen ein Resümee zum Projekt „ObstNatur in aller Munde“ gezogen. Zum Programm gelangen Sie hier.
3rd Transnational Meeting
9 – 12 April 2013, Pöllau/Austria
Project Partners will meet for 3rd Transnational Meeting on 9 – 12 April 2013 in Pöllau/Austria. The project folder in all partners languages will introduce. After presentation of information on NQF and national certification demand in partner countries the presentation of the FGs work will start. Working in Focus Groups will continue. Agenda of meeting you can find here.
February-April 2013
In 2009 GRÜNE LIGA Thüringen e.V. started a marketing project named “ObstNatur in aller Munde”. The project comprises three modules. Environmental education, care & management workshops and marketing a mobile fruit squeezer and organic products, such as pear- and apple juice and sparkling apple soda. In coming months GRÜNE LIGA Thüringen e.V. offer different courses in tree-cut.
Pomological exhibition, Austria
9 November 2012
This exhibition with 7 nature parks OIKOS was responsibled for a pomological exhibition in Graz. The aim was to show old fruit varieties, but also to present the products from traditional orchards. The 7 styrian nature parks also showed their research projects and work in the field of pomology.
EUROPOM 2012, Austria
26-28 October 2012
Europom is Europes largest exhibition for fruits. 2012 it was the first time in Austria. 18 countries presented their fruit and activities. Our partner OIKOS was responsible for the sponsoring activities, but also for different parts in organisation. OIKOS also presented the ESTO-Project. more
Hirschbirnwandertag, Austria
26 October 2012
This every year hiking event is organized by the austrian broadcasting organisation. Depending on the weather 4.000 to 10.000 people visit this event every year. Our partner OIKOS showed about 150 old apple and pear varieties at this occasion and presented the ESTO-project. The event was a great success and shows, that it makes sense to have strategic co-operations with tourism. more