OIKOS – Institute for Applied Ecology & Basic Research

Competence Center for Pomology and Old Fruit Varieties
OIKOS (founded in 2000) is a private institution, focusing on research and applied aspects of biology, ecology and nature conservation. Being a concessionary planning and research organization, we offer a wide spectrum of products in our portfolio, both at national and international level.
Besides our ecological expertise (environmental impact assessments, Natura 2000 studies, etc.) we carry out biomonitoring measures (river ecosystems, forests, air quality, climate change, etc.) at a large scale.
Our work is always linked to practice, like in nature tourism and nature education. Conceptual design, planning and implementing nature trails and exhibitions, as well as consultancy services on behalf of leading touristic enterprises are central parts of our work. These efforts were repeatedly awarded, e.g. with the title “Austria’s most creative adventure trail”.
Consultancy services for agriculture and forestry
Another field of our portfolio are consultancy services for agriculture and forestry. OIKOS carried out studies in this regard and over the past decade prearranged thousands of contracts between the government and land owners.
Research in pomology and rising public awareness for old fruit varieties is another field of work. The focus is on determination and preservation of traditional orchards in Austria. Therefore databases on varieties and literature and an image collection were built up. Our consultancy competence is bundled in geographical indications for particular products (e.g. specification and ‘single document‘ on the "Pöllauer Hirschbirne") to apply for a PDO (Protected Designation of Origin).
Basic research focuses on biodiversity, vegetation science and floristics of higher plants, but also on mycology and lichenology.
Throughout the year topics like forest ecology, cooking with wild plants, gardening (e.g. guerilla gardening) or scientific illustration are communicated in workshops and seminars.
Our services are accessed by the government and official authorities, as well as by enterprises, NGOs, nature- and national parks, communities and privates.
OIKOS – Institute for Applied Ecology & Basic Research
Hartbergerstraße 40/12
8200 Gleisdorf
Fon: +43 676 544 8824
E-mail: oikos@utanet.at