
Solagro is an NGO set up in 1981, independent of all political movements, industrial and financial groups. With a permanent team of 24 experts – engineers in agriculture, environmental technique, energy and economists – and a membership of 200, Solagro’s goal is to broaden the scope of possibilities within the fields of energy, agriculture and the environment. Our field of work includes: development programmes, prospective and feasibility studies, independent evaluation and consulting, setting up of pilot operations and information, training and technical publications.
Solagro is a leader in France in the design of evaluation tools ( and indicators, assisting farmers in shifting their production methods towards serving economic viability and the environment. Solagro also leads the practical development of agroecology in France, notably through its support to various agro-ecological infrastructure projects (hedges, orchards…).
Network of relevant people and institutions
Working at the intersection of project development and general studies, Solagro ensures that its expertise is in line with field reality. Thirty years of experience have brought about a network of contacts to local authorities, business firms, farmers and their professional organisations, institutions and administrations, research facilities and other NGOs in France and throughout Europe.
In France, SOLAGRO works with: the French Ministry of Ecology and the Ministry of Agriculture, the Agency for Energy and Environment (ADEME), the National Agronomic Research Institute (INRA), the Agricultural Statistical and prospective Institute (SSP), water agencies, and other groups working on agriculture (farmers unions, other professional organisations, training institutes, etc.) and at the European level with EU institutions (JRC, EEA).
SOLAGRO fosters knowledge dissemination with the organisation of training for students, advisers and farmers, the publication of technical documents dealing with practices and processes and agro-ecological observation.
Solagro support traditional orchards through local pilot projects on pruning management and apple juice processing, communication, dispersal of training and policy recommendations.
75 Voie du TOEC - CS 27608
31076 Toulouse Cedex 3
Fon + 33 (0)5 67 69 69 69
Fax + 33 (0)5 67 69 69 00