OWET – The School for Fruit Growing and IT

OWET – The School for Fruit Growing and IT is located in Gleisdorf (AT), in the middle of the main fruit growing region of Styria. Pupils studying in the “Fruit Growing” branch are between 14 and 18 years old. After finishing school, most of them are going to run their family's farm.
Subjects mainly focus on the production of new fruit varieties for the fresh market. In Styria innumerous old single apple and pear trees, commonly known as “Mostobst” or “Streuobst",.are found. These trees are very important for the typical landscape in the south of Styria. Their fruits are not so important for the fresh market but for juice processing, apple-wine- and fruit spirit production, instead.
We have experience with projects like Leonardo or e-learning and some of our teachers participate in international working groups. All in all we have 15 teachers, four of which teaching the subjects fruit growing, plant-protection, trialling and fruit processing.
The school owns an experimental trial field of about 3,5 ha filled with apples, pears, cherries, apricots and peaches.
Apart from teaching and educating pupils, there are a lot of presentations, seminars, workshops and meetings for advanced training.
OWET – The School for Fruit Growing and IT
Pirching 80
A-8200 Gleisdorf
Tel +43 3112 2219
Fax +43 3112 2219-10
E-mail: lfsgleisdorf@stmk.gv.at